We Pay Attention to the Environment

Our clients care about the environment; so do we. Summit Press follows ecofriendly practices and printing industry guidelines developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Our responsible approach to the environment includes the following—all done in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and protect this wonderful planet.
- We have an extensive daily paper recycling program.
- We have an inventory system that allows us to track and reuse any waste paper for future "make-readies," which reduces the amount of sheets we need to purchase in order to produce a job.
- We are members of the EPA Green Power Partnership, whose goal is to reduce the risks associated with climate change while supporting the development of new, renewable energy generation in the U.S. Eligible green power is sourced from specific U.S.-based generation facilities and includes electricity generated from solar, wind and certain forms of biomass and hydropower.
- We've installed water-efficient faucets and fixtures and use only energy-efficient lightbulbs and electrical appliances.
- We follow all Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) protocols for chemical disposal.
- We pay close attention to the energy consumption in our facility and use sustainable energy sources whenever possible.