Quality offset printing involves several steps. Summit Press is here to make sure each one goes smoothly, resulting in a successful job, delivered on time.
on-time estimating: Summit Press gets things off to a good start by generating estimates quickly, often within hours.
production planning: Many clients need guidance on size, number of colors and which printing technology to use. Our experienced and attentive staff offers expert advice on all this, and always with the goal of being cost-effective. We're happy to develop a manageable production schedule for you.
pre-press: Summit Press continues to invest in technology to perfect the steps leading to fine offset printing. Once your files arrive, either electronically (FTP) or via disc, we carefully pre-flight the files to make sure that everything is complete—that all images and fonts are there—prepare the job for printing and run proofs. When requested, we pay special attention to photographs and use the latest technology to enhance them prior to printing. Clients also appreciate that every one of their jobs is archived and thus can be retrieved at a later date.
press room: This is where the printing happens—and where our seasoned team follows strict quality control procedures to insure color consistency throughout the press run.
bindery: We offer a range of finishing services, including saddle-stitching, folding, gluing, round cornering and three-hole punch.
expanded mailing capabilities: Summit Press works with you to ship, store and track/update your inventory. Postal standards change constantly, so we stay on top of them and work to reduce your postage costs so that you can mail efficiently.
special orders: Whether it's stuffing, tying ribbons or arranging and collating, we work with you to fulfill your project and your expectations.
Stop in! We welcome clients to come for a tour of our facility.
Summit Press Is SDO/SOMWBA-Certified
As a woman-owned business, Summit Press is certified through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Supplier Diversity Office (SDO). SDO/SOMWBA certification defines Summit Press as a minority-owned business. This enhances our company's ability to do business in public markets seeking a minority vendor.